Hire Python Developer & Fix Bad Programming Practices

Is your Python programming not so effective, which is why your productivity is decreasing? This blog will shed light on how opting for Python development services from a skilled and seasoned Python web development company can increase your ROI & productivity.

Here are some unique approaches or Python development tips and tricks that professional developers use to fix bad programming practices.

1) Make Use Of F-Strings

F-string is a widely used and essential utility offered by the Python programming language. It makes string concatenation seamless using a minimal amount of syntax. In short, using an f-string can easily combine both variables and string characters.

For example,

fruit = “Banana”

color = “Yellow”

print (“%s is delicious. It is %s in color.” % (fruit, color))

print (“{0} is delicious. It is {1} in color.” .format (fruit, color))


Banana is delicious. It is Yellow in color.

Banana is delicious. It is Yellow in color.

Let us try this statement with the help of the f-string. Here is a code for it.

print(f”{fruit} is delicious. It is {color} in color.”)


Banana is delicious. It is Yellow in color.

Keep in mind that f-strings are available only in the version greater than Python 3.6. Usually, when the code becomes lengthy, and you want to improve the readability of code, you should start using f-strings to get better results. 

2)Use Try & Except Statements

There are some instances where you want to run execution even after a specific condition was fulfilled. However, they could not do it because of the error message displayed. When the error message is displayed, the program will automatically be terminated.

If you want to avoid such a situation during the Python web development of your project, you can use the try and except code block. Whenever the condition is satisfied, the code written in the try statement will be executed. When the condition is not satisfied, the code in the except condition will be executed.

For example:

C = 20

D = 0


E = C/D

Print (f”Division Successful, The Quotient Is {E}”)


print(“Zero Division Error Has Most Likely Occurred.”)


Zero Division Error Has Most Likely Occurred.

3)Get In-Depth Knowledge Of Mathematical Operations

Whatever programming language you learn, there is a high chance that you will face some issues that will require you to use your mathematical skills. That’s why it is vital for you to have knowledge of some basic mathematical utilities that are offered by Python. Here are a few basic mathematical functionalities that every Python programmer should know how to use.

N = 10

M = 5

add = N + M

sub = N – M

mult = N * M

div = N / M

floor_div = N//M

mod = N % M

exp = N ** M


Addition = 15

Subtraction = 5

Multiplication = 50

Quotient = 2.0

Floor Division = 2

Reminder = 0

Exponential Operation = 100000

Besides these, there are other mathematical operations offered by Python. In Python web development, you can even have access to the math library. 

For example,

import math

a = 7.8

print(“The rounded value is:”, round(a))

print(“The ceiled value is:”, math.ceil(a))

print(“The floored value is:”, math.floor(a))


The rounded value is: 8

The ceiled value is: 8

The floored value is: 7

4) Use Multiple Python Files

When you need to handle complex projects, you need to write multiple lines of code to complete the project. Sometimes these lines can be thousands or hundreds of lines. At the time of working on such projects, it is prudent to divide the content into separate files and make use of functions and classes to increase the overall efficiency.

For example, if you are working on a gaming project, it is good to utilize a few or more Python files to divide the code accordingly. You can separate the Python files for assets, utilities, and other required functions. In the main Python file, you can import all other programming files and create the necessary code. By doing so, the readability of the Python web development project will also increase.

5) Make Use of Better Debugging Techniques.

When you get any error while working on Python code, usually, it will get you to the specific line that shows the location of the bug. These mistakes can be logical, syntax, or run-time warnings. Most of the syntax-related errors can be easily solved, but when you are stuck at a specific point in your code for a long time, if you follow proper debugging techniques, it will be helpful. 

You can use print statements to ensure your project goes as expected. Even you can comment off these statements and remove them, but at the time of working on a project, ensure you use them. It will help you in the proper debugging of your project. Once you are clear about basic Python programming, you can make use of Python IDE instead of a simple text editor. It will help you to identify smaller errors or sometimes bigger bugs by highlighting the instances. IDE can easily interpret it. You can even make use of Google search, GitHub, or StackOverflow, whenever you get stuck somewhere. 

Wrapping Up

Programming is no more rocket science. If you understand its basics properly, it can be really easy. However, no matter how much pro you are in programming, you will find some issues that you won’t be able to solve easily. In such a case, you can take the help of a proficient Python web development service provider.

Hopefully, this blog has helped you to understand which Python development tips and tricks experts use to skyrocket their productivity. Still, if you are unsure about it and need the help of a professional Python developer, you can connect with us today. At LogicRays, we even offer Laravel development services. So, get in touch with us to know more about our services.

What Role Does Python Development Company Play To Help You Become Successful Data Scientist?

If you are searching for an exciting career opportunity that provides you with tremendous growth, data science is the perfect pick. However, to become a successful data scientist, you must select the programming language carefully. These days, Python is the most popular language if you are planning to become a data scientist. For that, you can even enroll in the Python course from the reputed Python development company.

In this blog, we will discuss why learning Python is beneficial to becoming a successful data scientist.

You might be wondering why is it so important to learn Python in the data science industry when there are other excellent scientific languages such as R, MATLAB, and Julia. What is so special in Python that has made it so successful as other programming languages?

Read on to learn a few reasons behind the popularity of Python for data scientists. However, before we deep dive into the popularity reasons of Python, first, understand what data science is.

What Is Data Science?

Data science is not a completely new discipline, but it has become quite popular in the last decade. It is a professional field in which data scientists extract value from data using scientific methods, algorithms, and other techniques. Data scientists every day sift through large data sets, extract what matters, and provide businesses with clear, concise, easy-to-understand insights.

Here is a list of common tasks that data scientists do daily.

  • Researching and thoroughly understanding datasets
  • Collecting data from external sources
  • Cleaning & preparing datasets for the analysis
  • Extracting complex insights using scientific methods and statistical means.
  • Generating reports, reporting pipelines, & dashboards
  • They even produce statistical models for predictive/data mining purposes.

Now, as you know what data science is, let’s understand why Python is popular in data science. 

Why Learn Python If You Want To Become A Data Scientist?

Nowadays, Python is a widely used language globally by data scientists. If you want to become a data scientist and do not know Python then you should enroll in a Python, course in a reputed Python development company like LogicRays, and learn from experts.

Here are a few reasons why Python is popular among Data Scientists. 

Simple Language
Python is one of the simplest languages to start with. It is easy to understand and easy to read. The best thing about it is its simplicity does not limit the functionalities you want to include in your site or product. There are the following reasons that give Python such kind of flexibility.

  • It is a free & open-source language.
  • Python is a high-level programming language.
  • It is interpreted & huge community.

Besides all these, you need to type far less while coding in Python as compared to other languages. 

For example, 

In Java

Public class Hello


Public static void main (String[] args)


System.out.println(“Hello world”);



Whereas in Python

print(“Hello world”)

It is that SIMPLE.

Highly Scalable
Python is a highly scalable programming language. It means it has more and more possibilities that will be useful for any issue in app development. You do not need to spend more time finding memory leaks, compilation, or segmentation faults. If you are a non-Python programmer but know how to code in C++, you can easily learn this language. 

Comprehensive Set Of Data Science Libraries & Frameworks
Due to its simple syntax, easy vocab, massive community, and readability, Python is popular among data scientists. However, besides all these benefits, there are libraries like Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, stat models, and Scikit-Learn is quite popular in data science communities. These libraries and frameworks address various data science needs such as data structure handling, algorithm and toolkits for ML, and analyzing complex networks.

Data Cleaning is Easy & Breeze
If you want to become a data scientist, you need to deal with data scrubbing, cleaning, massaging, and wrangling daily. That’s why it is vital to learn Python because this language is built to clean. Two libraries NumPy and Pandas are excellent at cleaning data.

Once you are done with data cleaning, the next big problem is to communicate your findings with the key stakeholders. Data science is not all about a few lines of code, but effective data visualization is crucial for that. Data visualization gives a clear idea of what information means by providing visual context through maps or graphs.


In summary, from this article, you will get a few Python development tips for beginners and understand why it is vital to learn Python if you want to become a data scientist. In this blog, we have curated many reasons. However, it is up to you which reason will be the main reason for you to learn Python. We suggest that you should certainly consider learning Python because of its possibilities and continuous improvement. It will help you to build extraordinary products and businesses.

If you are looking to Hire Python developer or want to learn Python, you can get in touch with LogicRays – The best Python development company. 

Absolutely Easy Python Functional Programming Tutorial to Become a Pro Developer in 2021

Here and there, python is everywhere!

Now, Learning Python Functional Programming is just a scroll down away! All you need to do is sit down and read everything carefully. Practice this and become a pro python developer in 2021.

Informative Fact: Python is now the third most popular programming language in the world, with a usage rate of 12.21% and in February 2020, more than 65,000 developers took Stackoverflow’s annual developer survey. Isn’t that amazing?

So, What is functional programming in Python?

A problem is decomposed into a series of functions in purely Functional programming.

Functions in python are called first-class citizens. Which means that their characteristics match. These first-class functions are handled as if it is a variable. When a first-class variable is passed to another function as a parameter, it can be stored in a data structure or can be returned from functions.

It is considered the opposite side of object-oriented programming language. Object-oriented languages work really well when you have a particularly fixed set of operations. Objects are small capsules that contain some internal state as well as a set of method calls that allow you to alter it, and programs are made up of the correct set of state changes.

The well-known functional programming language also has a Machine learning family including OCaml, Standard ML, etc. Python programs are written in the functional language style which doesn’t avoid all I/O or all assignments; instead of that, they have a functional-looking interface but use non-functional functionality internally.

Here, in Functional Programming in python, a good example you can take is: The implementation of a function will also use local variable assignments, but it will not change global variables or have any other side effects.

It may seem like Functional Languages can be tough to work with, But, why are you instance saying that learning the functional language would be easy?

Ikr! This is not as tough at all; All you have to do is follow every step in this article till the end.

Here, we are going to talk about how you can actually approach the functional programming paradigms in python. Firstly, you need to understand what Pure Functions are.

Let’s roll!!!

Pure Functions

It is just a function that does not have a side effect, and it returns the exact same thing every single time, you give it the same inputs. Thus, every time you call these functions with the same input, it always gives you the same output and it affects nothing else outside of it.

Now, this is a bit theoretical of what pure functions are. But, the easiest way to understand the pure function is to take some examples and to write some. Examples of pure functions are pow(), strlen(), sqrt(), etc.

There are many practical advantages of using functional programming paradigm, that includes the following:

Easy Debugging

Pure functions have very few factors affecting them which allows you to find the bugged section easily. Immutable data makes it easy to find the values set for the variable. 


Pure function is easier to reuse the same code in other contexts because functions do not depend on any external state or variable. This function will only complete a single operation at a time to confirm that the same function without importing external code.

Lazy Evaluation

In the functional programming paradigm; only evaluates computations when they are needed. This allows one to reuse results from previously saved runtime and computations.

Parallel Programming Paradigm

Since immutable variables minimize the amount of change within the program, the functional programming paradigm makes it easier to construct parallel programs. Each function just attempts to coordinate with user input, and the program’s state will largely remain the same!

Intensified Readability

Since each function’s action is immutable and separate from the program’s state, functional programs are simple to interpret. As a consequence, you can always guess what each function would do just by looking at its name!


An iterator is a form of object that represents a stream of data and it will return each entity one by one. It must have a method called __next__(), which takes no arguments and it will always return the next element of the stream. If the stream does not contain any objects, __next__() should throw the StopIteration exception on the spot. It does not have to be finite; in fact, writing an iterator that generates an infinite stream of data is perfectly rational.

The functional style iter() takes an object and attempts to return an iterator that will contain the object’s contents or items, throwing a TypeError if the object does not really allow iteration. Iteration is supported by several functional data types, the most common of which are lists and dictionaries. If you can obtain an iterator for an object, it is said to be iterable.

Here, You can manually experiment with the iteration interface.

Iteration Interface


L = [3, 4, 5]
it = iter(L)




Iterators can convert into lists or tuples using the list() and tuple() functions. Object functions include:


L = [3, 4, 5]
iterator = iter(L)
t = tuple(iterator)


>>> L
[3, 4, 5]

The built-in max() and min() will take a single argument from the iterator and return the smallest or largest element. Iterators are supported by the “not in” and “in” and operators: X in iterator is true if X is found in the stream returned by the iterator. When the iterator is infinite, max() and min() will never return, and the “in” and “not in” operators will never return if the element X never appears in the stream.

Note: Keep in mind that in an iterator, one can only go forward; you can’t get the previous part, copy it, or reset the iterator. These additional capabilities are optional for iterator objects, but the iterator protocol only specifies the __next__() method. The iterator protocol only specifies the __next__() method, so these additional capabilities are optional for iterator objects. Functions can thus consume the iterator’s entire output, and if you need to do something different with the same stream, you must create a new iterator.

Different Data Types that Supports Iterator

Now that we’ve already gone through how tuples and lists support iterators.  When you call iter() on a dictionary, you get an iterator that loops through the dictionary’s keys:


m = {'Jan': 1, 'Feb': 2, 'Mar': 3, 'Apr': 4, 'May': 5, 'Jun': 6,
...      'Jul': 7, 'Aug': 8, 'Sep': 9, 'Oct': 10, 'Nov': 11, 'Dec': 12}
for key in m:
     print(key, m[key])


Jan 1
Feb 2
Mar 3
Apr 4
May 5
Jun 6
Jul 7
Aug 8
Sep 9
Oct 10
Nov 11
Dec 12

Note: Starting with Python 3.9, a dictionary’s iteration order assures to be much like its insertion order. Previously, the behavior was ambiguous and could change depending on the implementation.

dict(iter(key, value))

Iter() always loops through the keys when applied to a dictionary, but dictionaries possess techniques that return other iterators. To iterate over values or key/value pairs, just use values() or items() methods to obtain a suitable iterator.

The iterator that will return a finite stream of (key, value) tuples can pass to the dict() function :


L = [('Pakistan', 'Islamabad'), ('India', 'Delhi'), ('US', 'Washington DC')]


>>> L
[('Pakistan', 'Islamabad'), ('India', 'Delhi'), ('US', 'Washington DC')]


Generators are a subclass of functions that make writing iterators easier. It returns an iterator that iterates through a stream of values, while regular functions compute and return a value.

You’re probably familiar with how regular Python or C functions call work. By calling the functions, it gets a private namespace in which it stores its local variable. Here, the local variables demolish and the function reaches the return statement where that value returns to the caller.

A subsequent call to the same function generates a set of local variables and a new private namespace. What if the local variables do not discard at the time when the function is exited? What if you could later pick up where you left off with the function?

Generator function example:


seq1 = 'def'
seq2 = (4, 5, 6)
[(x, y) for x in seq1 for y in seq2]  


[('d', 4), ('d', 5), ('d', 6), ('e', 4), ('e', 5), ('e', 6), ('f', 4), ('f', 5), ('f', 6)]

Function that contains the yield keyword is a generator function; Python’s bytecode compiler identifies it, which compiles the function differently as a result.

Moreover, when you call a generator function, it will return a generator that supports the iterator protocol rather than a single value.

Similar to a return statement, because when the yield statement runs, the generator will return the value of I. When a yield is achieved, the generator’s state of execution stops, and variables declared are retained. On the next call to the generator’s __next__() method, the functions will resume execution.


generate_ints() generator:


def generate_ints(N):
   for i in range(N):
       yield i


>>> gen = generate_ints(3)
>>> gen

>>> next(gen)
>>> next(gen)
>>> next(gen)
>>> next(gen)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#11>", line 1, in 

Here, writer generates ints() or a, b, c = generate ints can also be used here.

In a generator function, return value causes the __next__() method to raise StopIteration(value). The sequence of beliefs comes to an end when this happens, or when the bottom of the function calls reaches the maximum limit. Thus, the generator can no longer produce any more values.

You could achieve the effect of generators manually by composing your own class and stashing all of the generator’s local variables as instance variables.


Returning a list of integers, can complete when setting self.count to 0 and having the __next__() method increment and return self.count. Writing a corresponding class for a moderately complicated generator, on the other hand, can be much more difficult. Where this test suite comes in Python Library.

Here’s one generator that recursively implements an in-order tree traversal using generators.

def inorder(t):
    if t:
        for x in inorder(t.left):
            yield x

        yield t.label

        for x in inorder(t.right):
            yield x

The N-Queens problem, pinning N queens on a NxN chessboard so that no queen threatens another and the Knight’s Tour problem are solved in test generators.py to find a way that will take knight to each every square of an NxN chessboard without visiting any square twice.

Python Built-in Functions

In functional programming, python comes with numerous pre-defined functions that come with ready-to-use mode.

To use these functions, we don’t need to define them; we can simply name them. Built-in refers to this type of feature.

Python comes with a number of functions for functional programming. Here, we’ll go through a quick and easy overview of some of the functional functions that allow you to build fully functional programs. 

Iteration is supports several built-in Python data types, the most popular of which are lists and dictionaries. Iterable entities are those that can give an iterator.

Here, we took many examples of built-in functions like abs, dir, len, zip, map, and filter.

Python abs()

To get the accurate value of the given number, abs() function comes in use. If the number is a complex number.

Get absolute value of a number using abs()

The syntax of abs() method is : abs(num)


integer = -15
print('Absolute value of -15 is:',abs(integer))
floating = -1.11
print('Absolute value of -1.11 is:', abs(floating))


Absolute value of -15 is: 15
Absolute value of -1.11 is: 1.11

Python dir()

The dir() will return all of the defined object’s properties and methods, but not their values.

This will return all properties and methods, including functional properties that are set to default for all objects.

Syntax: dir(object)

Display the content: dir()


class Person:
   name = "Coco"
   age = 22
   country = "USA"


['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'age', 'country', 'name']

Python filter()

The filter() method generates an iterator from elements of an iterable that return true when a function is called. In more simple words, filter function method just filters the iterator that is already given, with the help of a function that will test each and every element in it to be true or not. It returns an iterator that is by default filtered.

Syntax: filter(function, iterable)

Input: Let’s write code.

ages = [30,5,8,22,10,32]
def myFunc(x):
   if x<18:
      return False
      return True
adults = filter(myFunc, ages)
for x in adults:


There are mainly 2 types of filter() Parameters:


Functions: It is a function in python that tests whether the element of iterable returns either true or false.

If not, the function goes to the identity functions – which will return the value “False” if any elements are false.

These are going to get filtered; they can be, sets, tuples, containers, or lists of any iterator.

Python len()

The only work of len() function is to return the number of items in an object.

The len() function returns the number of characters in a string when the object is a string.

Syntax: len(object)


testList = []
print(testList, 'length is', len(testList))

testList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11]
print(testList, 'length is', len(testList))

testTuple = (1, 5, 3, 4)
print(testTuple, 'length is', len(testTuple))

testRange = range(100, 269)
print('Length of', testRange, 'is', len(testRange))


[] length is 0
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11] length is 6
(1, 5, 3, 4) length is 4
Length of range(100, 269) is 169

Python map()

The map() function returns a set of figures after applying a given function to each object of an iter (list, sets, tuple, etc.). It returns an iterator of map class in its return type.

Syntax: map(function, iterable, ……..)


# Return double of n
def addition(n):
    return n + n
# We double all numbers using map()
numbers = (4, 5, 3, 2)
result = map(addition, numbers)


[8, 10, 6, 4]

Python zip()

The zip() function takes an iterator, which can be zero or anything, aggregates it into a tuple, and returns it.

Syntax: zip(*iterables)


number_list = [1, 2, 3]
str_list = ['Chocolate', 'Butterscoth', 'Mango']

# No iterables are passed
result = zip()

# Converting iterator to list
result_list = list(result)

# Two iterables are passed
result = zip(number_list, str_list)

# Converting iterator to set
result_set = set(result)


{(3, 'Mango'), (2, 'Butterscoth'), (1, 'Chocolate')}

Let’s Wrap Up!

From all this, you can tell that python helps you to write in a functional style but it will not force you to do it. Writing in functional style will only enhance your code and make it more detailed documentation.  Ultimately, it will make it more tread-safe. The biggest support of FP in python is the usage of the list comprehension, generators, and iterator. It also comes from itertools and functools import.

When you look at the whole scenario, it still lacks an important part of FP i.e. Tail Recursion and Pattern Matching. However, more work done on tail recursion will benefit and encourage developers to use recursion. 

Wanna check out our Articles related to Python? Check out! 

Why Python is Best fit for Big Data? and Why Python for a Startup is the Best Choice in 2021?

Why Python for a Startup is the Best Choice in 2021?

You’re having a great startup idea? Are you confused whether you should choose python for Startup idea or not? 

Here, with our points, you’ll get the right perspective about why you should choose python as a base platform for your Startup idea. As intelligent as it seems, your potential startup needs a pre classified critical approach. 

After the constant rise in 5 years, python ranks 3rd on the list of most loved technologies in the world and The average annual salary of a python developer in the US is $110,300 per year with the cash bonus of $5000 per year. 

Each and every startup has its own perspective and needs for development in terms of various functions, and features. For development, the platform you choose to build your idea should be minimal, versatile, simple, and easy to manage. 

Before you start, you need to determine the business goal behind this startup and how to deal with the challenges in the starting stage of startup. Ask yourself these questions and do a detailed research on it before you figure out which programming language you choose as a base platform. 

  • The base programming language for this startup will adapt with the new changes in MVP?
  • How much time will it consume to implement the idea in programming language? 
  • Will it simplify the work in critical products? 
  • How will you choose the best developer to build your tool?
  • Will this language handle web scraping, web automation, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Machine Learning? 
  • The language you choose will help you scale the product?
  • Will it be able to handle both business intelligence and analytics?

Answering these questions for yourself is necessary to figure out MVP’s requirements and choose the best programming language for your startup idea. Here, Python is the answer to all your questions. 

We will start from the basics. 

What is Python?

Python is the top and highly used object-oriented, high-level, interpreted programming language. It is mainly used for Rapid Application Development, Scripting, and Editing the existing codes and components together. Minimal syntax and simplicity improves the readability of Python language, because of that, it reduces the cost of program maintenance. 

The following frameworks are recommended for python programming: Django, Flask, Web2Py, CherryPy, Pyramid, and TurboGears.

As a fully-optimized, open-source toolkit with great customizable architecture, it stimulates quick development with minimal coding. Many top applications in the world used Python as their base platform and brought huge differences in the world. These applications are: 

  • Instagram 
  • Disqus
  • Spotify
  • Youtube
  • Mozilla  

Even the top websites and applications use python as their base language. It is because of its simplicity, libraries, minimal code, and easy syntax. 

Now we will look at the reasons why Python for startups is the best choice for you? 

#1 Python for Web Scraping

In simple terms, Web scraping is extracting useful data from a website for our own purpose. Web scraping is performed with the aid of an algorithm or software that collects and processes a large amount of data from the internet. It doesn’t matter if you’re an engineer, data scientist, artist, or anybody who can analyze large datasets, this ability costs more and it is really useful if you have it. 

There are many applications given to web scraping, Some of them are:

Web scraping may be in use for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Lead Generation: Web scraping allows you to collect data of contact information from various sources that have really good and useful content. With this, you can find both personal information and information related to your business. 
  • Social Media Insights Management: With the help of web Scraping using python, you can predict trends in various social networks such as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, Reddit, and Tumblr. With this information, you can easily predict the plans for your social media page. 
  • Price Monitoring: Many companies use web scraping for services to analyze their competitors which helps them make a strategy for their own company. It also allows you to extract data from huge and popular retailers like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc. 
  • Search Engine Optimization: With the help of scraping using the python algorithm, scraping organic search results will rapidly search your SEO competitors for any particular term. On the basis of that, you will be able to determine which keywords your competitors are targeting and decide the title tags.  

#2 Python for AI and ML

Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence are the new black in developing IT industries. AI is used to handle the large work that cannot be done manually because of its intensified volume and intensity. According to Jean Francois Puget, from the Machine Learning Department of IBM, gave an opinion that Python is the most popular language for ML and AI.

To execute AI logics, you should make use of a programming language that is adaptable, accessible, and easy to understand. That is why Python is the best choice to implement AI and ML.

Advantage of Python that makes best fit for AI and ML. 

  • Access to various mind blowing structures and libraries
  • Minimal Coding
  • Environment friendly  
  • Extensive Network 
  • Basic and Predictable 

If you have an idea that requires Artificial intelligence as your base, you should use python for Artificial intelligence because it makes your work much easier and helpful at the same time. 

#3 Python Supports Data Science 

Python is one of the best languages used by Data Scientists around the world for various Projects and Applications. Python provides the best functionality to deal with scientific, mathematical, and statistics. It provides some of the best libraries that can deal with data science applications easily. Small syntax, adaptability, and quick response make it the most widely used software in this world.

The benefit of using Python for Data Science is; its libraries. Python provides a large base of libraries for doing mathematical and statistical analysis that helps data scientists to make their work easier and faster. Now analyzing the big data will become much easier with Python. 

When you are doing a startup in data science, choosing python to create your project will make your work 100 times easier. That’s why when you have a startup in the Data Science field, you should always choose Python for programming. 

#4 Python is Startup Specific

First thing about startups is that; in the beginning of their pace, every startup is broken. When you start, you’ll require a huge amount of bucks in your pocket to start. If you don’t have it, don’t panic because if you choose python for the development of a startup idea, it will cost you way less compared to the original price.

Second thing you need to know about startups is; it will not have a lot of time to convenience investors and partners. 

Thirdly, They will have to make their product work immediately in order to earn money out of it. 

If you use python as your base language when you start developing, then only these things will work. Use it to make an irresistible and the best product that astonishes everyone’s mind with your product. 

#5 Python Works on Complex Projects 

Projects such as creating a social network or a software with new functionalities are normally web-based. This web is handled by big data, be it social media, Netflix or Video streaming. This language deals with high-level complexities, which makes it easier to solve any problem in the development part. Python is ideal for web solutions. 

This language gives win-win when the word comes to scalability. For all the startups, it is very important to catch the ball of success in your hand while it lasts. If you make it to growing your business according to your choice with the success itself, it can spell out some good cash and benefits for future. 

#6 Small Team Works Best 

Python is not a tough language at all. It is very easy to learn and even a person from a non-engineering background can learn it easily. If you are looking forward to starting with developing your startup idea, you won’t need a team of developers to get the product in your hand. This gives startups a chance to try it, learn it and see it working. Thus, Keeping it simple in small will only benefit your  startup idea, because more is the number of people in a team, more will be opinions, and more confusion will be generated.

#7 Easy Investment 

Startups are nothing without investors and their funds. Your startup is based on investors because if your investors find your product unique, interesting, and useful, then only they will provide you the funding for your startup. Thus, it is important to show them what your product is all about. If you don’t have investors on your side, then the project will stay put. In 80% cases, proof of concept is just for convincing investors for investing in your startup. These proofs do not affect in any way considering the future.

Wrapping Up!

Now that you know, Startup is a kind of business that needs to go hit when you strike the ball to the player (between the audience). You have to fall into competition to win the race. Bring out the product that will help your audience in real life. The product you sell will decide the revenue of your business. 

Thus the whole web is big data, know about “How Python is Perfect Fit for Big Data?”. We hope that these points will help you understand why choosing Python is beneficial for your startup idea. So, did you like this article? Let us know in the comment section and if you have a good startup idea and you want help, Hire Python Developer at LogicRays Technology.